Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha got engaged on Saturday in Delhi. She took to Instagram to share the main authority pictures.Actor Parineeti Chopra got drawn in to lawmaker Raghav Chadha in Delhi on Saturday. Parineeti posted a few pictures on Instagram to report the news. This is the initial occasion when either Parineeti or Raghav has recognized the relationship. "All that I appealed to God for .. I said OK! 💍," she wrote in the subtitle. Both Parineeti and Raghav donned white, and the last picture in her post was a nearby of their hands, entwined.

Indian Actress Parineeti Chopra got engaged to Indian Politician Raghav Chadha

The couple ignited dating bits of hearsay after they were hot external a couple of eateries in Mumbai. While they offered no expressions about their relationship, they were clicked in Mohali while going to an IPL match which affirmed the reports about their relationship. Parineeti and Raghav were both seen becoming flushed, as they waved to their fans.

In front of their commitment, Parineeti's home was finished with lights. What's more, before long, Parineeti and Raghav were clicked together as they showed up in Delhi for their commitment.

Parineeti's auntie Madhu Chopra, Priyanka Chopra's mom, likewise saluted the couple as she told Pinkvilla, "I'm extremely glad for Parineeti and Raghav. With every one of our endowments."

Half a month prior Aam Aadmi Party MP Sanjeev Arora took to his Twitter handle and praised the couple. He had expressed, "I stretch out my ardent congrats to @raghav_chadha and @ParineetiChopra. May their association be honored with a wealth of affection, bliss, and friendship. My all the best."

Parineeti's Code Name Tiranga co-star Harrdy Sandhu likewise in a roundabout way affirmed the news half a month prior when he said in a meeting, "I am glad to the point that it's at last working out. I wish her all the karma."

A source had before told India Today, "The team is probably going to get hitched by October-end of this current year. Parineeti and Raghav are in no rush and the two of them have work responsibilities that they need to deal with prior to getting into the wedding merriments."

On the work front, Parineeti was most recently seen in the film Uunchai.